Golden Visa

Golden Visa

The Golden Visa is a residency program in Spain for foreign investors. The program was created in 2013 to attract foreign investment to the country. The program offers a series of benefits to investors, including residency in Spain, access to public healthcare and freedom of movement within the Schengen Area.

To qualify for the Golden Visa, investors must invest in a Spanish asset that is eligible for the program. Eligible assets include:

Purchase of real estate in Spain for a value of at least 500,000 euros.
Investment in Spanish companies that create at least 10 jobs.
Contributions to Spanish investment funds.
Donations to Spanish charities.
Once the investor has made the investment, they can apply for the Golden Visa. The application process usually takes a few months.

The benefits of the Golden Visa are the following:

Residence in Spain: the Golden Visa allows the investor and his family to reside in Spain permanently.
Access to public healthcare: Golden Visa holders are entitled to public healthcare in Spain.
Freedom of movement within the Schengen Area: Golden Visa holders can travel freely within the Schengen Area, which includes 26 European countries.
The Golden Visa is an excellent option for foreign investors looking for a residence in Spain. The program offers a series of benefits, including residence in Spain, access to public health care and freedom of movement within the Schengen Area.

Here are some tips for applying for the Golden Visa:

Make sure you meet all the program requirements.
Gather all the necessary documentation.
Hire an immigration attorney to help you with the application process.
With these tips, you can increase your chances of getting the Golden Visa.

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